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Get Started with The EdUp Experience Podcast

America's Leading Higher Education Podcast

Episode Pack #1 - The Explosive Growth of Online Learning!


As a result of the global pandemic, many institutions had to move operations to an online environment to serve students amidst disruption.  In this group of episodes, YOU'll hear from established & emerging online players covering topics such as competency-based education, online support services, the value of college education, online vs. remote instruction, among others.

Episode #15 - President Series Episode #1 with Scott Pulsipher, President of Western Governors University.

Episode #20 - President Series Episode #2 with Dr. David Harpool, President of Northcentral University.

Episode #82 - President Series Episode #26 with Dr. Frank Dooley, President of Purdue University - Global

Episode #203 - Grow with Google, with Lisa Gevelberger, Vice President of Grow with Google 

Episode #299 - The Rise of UMass Global, with Don Kilburn, CEO UMASS Online

Like these starter episodes?  Click here for more episodes discussing online learning & student engagement. 

Episode Pack #2 - Community College as the college of FIRST choice!


Community colleges have long suffered from their institutional peers & the public viewing them as "lesser than".  As issues of debt, return on investment, & skills-based short course trainings dominate the higher ed narrative, community colleges are seeing a resurgence & are essential to our future workforce.

Episode  #37 - President Series Episode #5 - The Emerging Role of the Community College, with Dr. David Stout, President of Brookdale Community College

Episode #77 - President Series Episode #25 - Breaking Glass Ceiling as a Black Woman, with Dr. Claudia Schrader, President of Kingsborough Community College

Episode #134 - E-Commerce and Community Colleges, with Dr. Parminder Jassal, CEO of UnMudl

Episode #189 - President Series Episode #62 - Eliminating the Stigma of Community Colleges, with Dr. Christina Royal, President of Holyoke Community College

Episode #215 - President Series Episode #215 - Steps Beyond Statements, with Dr. Michael Baston, President of Rockland Community College

Like these starter episodes?  Click here for more episodes discussing the role of community colleges!