Jan. 4, 2022

375: Walking the Walk - with Dr. Joseph Bertolino, President at Southern Connecticut State University

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375: Walking the Walk - with Dr. Joseph Bertolino, President at Southern Connecticut State University

We welcome YOU back to America's leading higher education podcast, The EdUp Experience!

It’s YOUR time to #EdUp

In this episode, President Series #127, YOUR guest is Dr. Joseph Bertolino, President at Southern Connecticut State University, & YOUR host is Dr. Joe Sallustio, aka, THE Voice of Education.

In this amazing episode Joe & Joe talk about how the institutional mergers within the state of Connecticut have affected enrollment at SCSU.  Joe B. also talks about the mission to become the anti-racist & social justice institution working the state - & why walking the walk with the watchful eyes of students is of utmost importance.  Also discussed are the barriers facing positive perceptions of higher education & the challenges that college Presidents face every day - & why having a great team helps to avoid burnout!!

Appointed as the university's 12th president in July 2016, Bertolino oversees an institution of about 10,000 students, 440 full-time faculty, & 1,100 staff. His first day at Southern was Aug. 22, 2016, President Joe, as he is affectionately known, has been a social justice educator for 25 years, & is passionate about student success & access to higher education. During his short time at the helm of Southern, he has outlined the following priorities: raising the University’s profile, expanding community outreach and partnerships; strategic enrollment recruitment & retention; & streamlining students’ path to earning a degree.

Thank YOU so much for tuning in. Join us on the next episode for YOUR time to EdUp!

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