126: No AC-cess without SUC-cess - with Dr. Chris McCaghren, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Higher Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education

In this amazing episode of The EdUp Experience, we have the honor of speaking with Dr. Chris McCaghren, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Higher Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education. Over the last year, ED has worked very hard to get funds out to higher ed institutions amidst disruptions. Chris's team works to distribute CARES Act funds; though higher ed has been challenged, he says we shouldn't be so surprised as institutions overcome adversity. Chris says it like it is - he discusses ROI and tells higher ed not to be afraid to disrupt the purity of our ivory tower.
Find out which institution Chris thinks is more political - Higher Ed or Government!
Chris served as the executive vice president and provost, as well as professor of higher education leadership and policy, at the University of Mobile. Prior to being named provost at the University of Mobile, Chris served as dean of the College of Education at Anderson University and as assistant to the president for external programs and division head for the division of career and continuing studies at Samford University under his mentor Dr. Andrew Westmoreland. In addition, Chris spent two years serving Congressman Spencer Bachus (AL-6, retired) and the great people of the state of Alabama as special assistant to the congressman.
Chris holds a doctorate from Vanderbilt University in higher education leadership and policy, a master of theological studies from Beeson Divinity School, and a double major undergraduate degree in communication studies and classics from Samford University.
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