Sept. 11, 2023

707: A 3 Year Bachelor's Degree - with Dr. Bruce C. Kusch, President of Ensign College

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707: A 3 Year Bachelor's Degree - with Dr. Bruce C. Kusch, President of Ensign College

It’s YOUR time to #EdUp

In this episode, 

YOUR guest is Dr. Bruce C. Kusch, President of Ensign College

YOUR host is ⁠Dr. Joe Sallustio

YOUR sponsors are InsightsEDU & Commencement: The Beginning of a New Era In Higher Education!

How was Bruce & his team able to create a 3 Year Bachelor's Degree?

Why should YOU take him up on his offer that can only be heard on #EdUp?

What does Bruce see as the future of Higher Education?

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America's Leading Higher Education Podcast

America's Leading Higher Education Podcast Network

Welcome back, everybody! It's YOUR time to #edup on The EdUp Experience Podcast, where we make education YOUR business!

We're here to report on a groundbreaking development in the world of higher education.  We had a very special guest on episode 707, Dr. Bruce C. Kusch, Ph.D. , President of Ensign College , who had something extraordinary to share.

If you've been keeping up with the news, you might have heard whispers of a game-changing concept: the three-year bachelor's degree. While this idea has gained traction in other parts of the world, Dr. Kusch told us about the remarkable innovation happening right here in the United States.

The Birth of a Game-Changer

Dr. Kusch kicks things off by unveiling an exciting development that has been brewing behind the scenes for quite some time. It's the first 90-credit hour bachelor's degree program in the U.S. offered at Ensign College, affiliated with BYU. This revelation leaves me thrilled and I truly believe this episode interview is a reporting scoop. But the journey to this moment was far from straightforward for Dr. Kusch, the Ensign College team, and their partners at BYU-Pathway Worldwide and Brigham Young University - Idaho.

Keeping It Under Wraps

One of the first challenges Dr. Kusch mentions is the need for secrecy. The accreditation process required them to keep their plans hush-hush until official approval was granted. However, the dedicated team at Ensign College persisted, working tirelessly to make their vision a reality. Dr. Kusch emphasizes that they were eager to serve their unique student population and had been considering this move for a while. He discusses the innovative spirit of Sonny Ramaswamy, President of the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, as one of the most critical components of this initiative.

The Implications of a Three-Year Degree

Dr. Kusch delves into the significance of a three-year bachelor's degree. He highlights its potential to provide greater access to higher education, especially for students in remote locations around the world. The program focuses on developing practical skills and preparing students for the job market. Additionally, it aims to connect students in distant areas with remote job opportunities in the United States, offering them higher wages than they might find locally.

A Catalyst for Change

As the conversation unfolds, it's clear that Ensign College sees its pioneering move as a catalyst for change in higher education. Dr. Kusch hopes that their innovation will encourage other institutions to rethink their approaches and prioritize student outcomes. While their approach may not suit every institution's mission, it's a perfect fit for Ensign College's commitment to applied education and student success.

Embracing Innovation

Dr. Kusch encourages higher education institutions to reflect on their goals and reasons for existing. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on outcomes and being responsive to students' evolving needs. Ensign College's journey to introduce a three-year degree illustrates the power of innovation in higher education. Dr. Kusch believes it's time for institutions to embrace change and adapt to the ever-evolving landscape of higher education.


In closing, Dr. Kusch's revelation of the first 90-credit hour bachelor's degree in the U.S. serves as a reminder that innovation is the key to addressing the changing needs of students. Ensign College's journey offers a blueprint for institutions looking to challenge the status quo and better serve their students. As higher education continues to evolve, we can only imagine what exciting developments lie ahead. Stay tuned for more groundbreaking stories in the world of education on The EdUp Experience Podcast.